Yesterday was a very long day, and we are feeling the effects of it today.
We left at 10 in the morning for D to go to Spanish. Today they started on colours. The three of them in the class came out really bubbly. They had all obviously enjoyed their lesson which was good to see.
Afterwards we then got on the tram and went across to Centretainment to the cinema to watch The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
J had read this book and as soon as he saw the adverts for the film, asked if we could go and see it.
It is about a son of a German officer who is in charge of a concentration camp. It was so moving to see the naivety of this young boy compared to the boy of the same age he befriends through the camp fence.
I won't give away too much of the story in case you want to see it, but there wasn't a dry eye in the cinema at the end of the film. I don't think I have ever been in a cinema where there was silence during the closing credits.
The boys and I had a conversation then about the attitudes that were prevalent at the time and the lessons that should be learned. They already know that the Jews were identified by the Star of David and Jehovah's Witnesses by a purple triangle. J wants to go and find out what other groups were persecuted and how they were identified.
There was also a discussion about why those who died in the camps had no funeral. It is so sad to think that their humanity was completely stripped from them.
The day did end on a happier note. After the cinema, we went to Hobbycraft. D bought a little calender pad so will be designing and making a calender for 2009.
Then it was to Pizza Hut for tea before going to collect a remote control car for the boys. It was a Subaru Imprezza which was advertised on Freecycle. The boys can't wait to get the batteries for it. J also got his survival kit in the post, so I have two happy bunnies!
As we were walking home, we were thrilled to see a red moon. It was a lovely end to a long day.
Ice Skating; First competition.
10 years ago
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